Get Schooled

“If it’s easy, you’re doing it wrong.”

No truer words were ever spoken when it comes to a Pilates mat class. Our bodies do not like to feel uncomfortable so naturally we will “cheat” to make it easier without even realizing it. These tutorials break down some of the staple Pilates exercises to ensure you are doing them right and even shows you different modifications you can make to help in your practice. We want you to feel confident that you are getting the most of your at home workouts!

Chapter 1

Ab Series

The Pilates Ab Series focuses on, you guessed it, your abs! This is a 5 exercise series that will leave you feeling your core. It is a staple in your Pilates practice and we do them often in our classes. This video breaks down each exercise for you and shows modifications. Remember when working your core you do not want to ever feel low back pain - if you do, take a moment and modify the exercise - you will get more out of it and your back will thank you! 

Chapter 2


You have heard of them, and most likely have done them if you've ever taken a workout class…BUT are you doing them right?! Planks are a full body workout with a huge focus on the core, which oftentimes is the part we forget about. This tutorial will take you through different modifications so you can progress as you get stronger and ensure you are getting the most out of the exercise. 

Chapter 3

Side Leg Series

This Pilates series works strength and mobility through your hips. There are 3 different options for doing your side series. In this video we break down and demonstrate each option and so you can pick the one that works best for you while working out with us.


At home workouts can be challenging because you don't have the instructor there in the room with you. However, you have already taken a huge step in committing yourself to your health and wellness and I don't want that to stop you. If you have any questions about the tutorials above or would like to see others, please email me and I will do my best to walk you through whatever you need help with so you can continue your fitness journey.